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Friday, June 24, 2011


Long overdue, individuals in Rwanda are finally being held accountable for atrocities committed while they were in positions of leadership during the 1990's. Several individuals, including one female, were charged and sentenced at a court in Tanzania.

Their sentences range anywhere from 25 years to life in prison. Depending on your personal perspective on capital punishment, your view of these sentences may vary widely. I believe that these punishments are far too light considering the charges. Many of the accused were found guilty of genocide, ordered rape, mutilation, and amputation. I'm not exactly sure what a suitable punishment for these crimes would be, but 25 years in prison seems like a slap in the face. If I was a Rwandan resident I would be outraged that someone who tortured or raped my wife and children would ever see the light of day again. Life in prison seems like the minimum penalty that I could find acceptable.

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