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Friday, August 5, 2011

Augmented Reality: Cool or Creepy?

Augmented reality has been used by advertisers and gamers in the past to put images of individuals in the action. However, a recent post on ReadWriteWeb discusses a possible new use for the technology. Using a webcam, you can shoot a picture of yourself and try clothes on your picture while shopping online.

Would this really be of use to anyone? I am not a big shopper, but there are few things that I can think of that I would rather do less than virtually try on clothing. It really seems like just another useless application of this technology. I would like to believe that something useful will one day come of augmented reality, but it may just be one of this things that is kind of cool, but may never pan out to really benefit us.

This post was written in response to the following feed:
Augmented Reality for Online Shopping
By: Sarah Perez

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like an interesting new wave of advertising. After doing our readings for the week that Professor Merrill provided for us, I think that Augmented Reality has a future in education. I watched a very interesting video clip ( about AR in the classroom. I found it to be absolutely fascinating.

    The one issue with AR is that it appears that it will be very expensive to incorporate into the classroom for every student. Further, we have to worry about the world becoming virtual and having the virtual take over the real. This will be a challenge for our teaching generation as time marches on. The virtual, augmented, and real realities will all be merging together into one. For adults, it's easy to differentiate between them, but for children, that will not be so easy. We must understand the technology and use it the right way so that our students know the different boundaries of each reality.

    Since not much research has been done about VR and AR, it will be very interesting to see where this takes us in the future. I do not see AR and VR going away, but instead, becoming more popular in our world.
