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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Its Not The Economy Stupid!

A recent feed from NPR writer Tom Gjelten covers the reality of the current global economic crisis. In the article he cites politics as the real driving force behind our current economic woes. He says that Standards & Poors claim that political polarization is the key problem with the future economic outlook in many of the world's major countries. This definitely seems to be the case here in the United States. Gjelten points to Spain as another example of where split opinions are keeping anything from being accomplished.

One of my favorite quotes is by Dale Carnegie. He said "when 2 partners always agree, one of them is not necessary." I believe that multiple perspective are critical to success in any situation. We certainly don't want our government to be run by a single party that has all of the power. However, we also don't want a government in which nothing can be accomplished due to the fact that common sense can never overcome political platforms. I understand that elections are important, but I think that American voters are intelligent enough to see when some compromise is absolutely necessary. Our politicians have continued to embarrass themselves on both sides of the isle throughout these entire proceedings. I know that tough decisions need to be made. I think that everyone would respect them, no matter the outcome, if our elected officials would just transparent about why they made these decisions.

This post was written in response to:

In Current Crisis, It's Not Just The Economy

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