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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Standardized Test Scores

According to a recent feed from NPR, an Indonesian family is under attack from their neighbors after their son exposed a cheating scandal at the local school. The student claims that his teachers encouraged him to "leave the classroom during the test and stash copies of his answers in the bathroom...for his classmates to pick up." The school denies any cheating was being encouraged. However, they did report in the feed that Indonesia reported a 99% pass rate for all students on their high school entrance exams. Either that test is insanely easy or something is up.

Every time I hear of these incredible scores from overseas it makes me wonder what the reality is. Are they really testing every student? Are they reporting the results for all students? Is there any assistance for these kids or are they really just that superior to American students? I really doubt that any of this is a true picture of what is really going on. Every time I hear about standardized test results from China I simply stop listening. Their top kids may be capable of some amazing things, but so are ours.

I've had the opportunity to be an academic coach in different competitions and traveled to state events. I have seen first-hand just how amazing American students are and I would put them up against students from anywhere in the world in an academic competition.

This blog was written in response to the following feed:

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