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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Google Plus

The possibilities that Google + seems to offer is incredibly exciting. According to an article by the ReadWriteWeb, social media may finally be a reality for everyday use in the classroom. ( Security has been a persistent obstacle to widespread use of social media for student and teacher collaboration to this point. However, Google + offers many different levels of security that may provide the privacy schools need. Social media captivates the hearts and minds of teenagers everyday and it makes perfect sense to use this to appeal to learning.

One other issue that may still present a problem for administrators is the idea of students and staff interacting through social media. Professionally this can cause issues as the lines of authority begin to blur. However, I believe that these concerns are lessening through the successful use of other sites like Edmodo. I have used this to a limited extent in my classes and have found that students really seem to like some of the advantages that it provides. Further, I have not had one parent complaint about it. Complaints regarding Facebook are filed almost daily and that site isn't even permitted on our campus. Edmodo does have some limitations that I have found cumbersome, but hopefully Google + will take classroom collaboration to the next level.


  1. I just got the link to sign up for Google+ and was put on a waiting list. Right there is a read flag for me. I heard that yes, Google is providing more security on who can view your posts, but if a "friend" reposts your comment it moves out of your secure zone and out to his or her. Then all those friends can see the post. Do you see where I am going with this?

    But I am sure it will not take Google long to figure out the loophole in that one. I anxiously await to see what they do.

    What types of classroom activities do you use Edmodo for? This one is new to me.

  2. According to the article that I read, it allows you to create "circles" that allow for privacy exclusive only to members. I am not sure about re-posting beyond the initial use within the group. Also, Google + is still in beta form and that is why you were put on a waiting list. They don't want to release the program to everyone until they have some of the bugs worked out.

    Edmodo is a facebook-like community designed for education. You can set up classes, post announcements, upload assignments, etc... It really offers some interesting possibilities. If students are absent they can access edmodo from any computer with internet and get the assignments that you have put there. You can also have students turn assignments in electronically and grade them on there as well. You should check it out.

  3. Jason,

    I have been hearing about Google+ quite a bit lately and am interested in learning more about it. It was nice to read what you had to say about it. I am interested in Edmodo and am considering using it in my classroom. You said a couple parts of it can be cumbersome but it sounds like it it worth a shot. I would really like to expose my students to as much technology as I can. Do you think Edmodo would work well for an upper elementary classroom? I am teaching 5th grade next year and I know the kids love to use technology. Collaboration and discussion is key when it comes to learning and I feel Edmodo could really help in that area.

  4. Edmodo would definitely work for 5th grade. Our elementary and middle school teachers use it quite frequently. The issues that I have with Edmodo are minimal. It works great for posting assignments and announcements, it just gets a little more complicated when you use it for turning in assignments and grading. Also, I teach multiple sections of a class over different semesters and it can get a little "cluttered" when you get 300 different students on there over the course of a year. I don't know if you would have that issue in a 5th grade class. Please let me know if you need any more information. I would be happy to speak with you on the phone if you would like. Its a little difficult to explain everything in text.
