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Friday, July 22, 2011

More Senseless Killing

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard about the bombing and shooting spree that took place in Norway today. A feed tonight from NPR covers some of the early details that outline the horrific events of the day. ( While it is still early and stories tend to change with time and clarity, the initial report says that it was a domestic terrorist with a political grudge. It also claims that it was a lone individual that carried out the bombing and the shootings at the youth camp.

I don't know all of the details behind the motivation for these horrific acts, but I don't know that I have to in order to say that I just don't get it. Each time that I see an incident like this I just can't help but wonder how those who carry them out believe that this will advance their cause. I do realize that sometimes people feel like their voices are not being heard and that drastic actions may be the only way to get someone's attention. However, does it really make sense that a mass killing spree will add to your credibility? If people aren't listening to you it may be because they think you are unimportant or crazy. Killing innocent people doesn't really do much to combat this perception. There must be better ways to gain support for your cause.

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