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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Here we go again! Gas prices on the Rise.

Just as gas prices finally began to come down from the $4 mark, we had to have a holiday which inevitably makes them go back up. (A 30 cent increase in my area over a couple of days) To make things worse, an oil pipeline in Montana ruptured on Friday according to a feed from the New York Times. The article stated that all oil companies that had pipelines in the area were ordered to shut down immediately. Of course this is a good thing because we don't want to see local drinking water supplies polluted or wildlife harmed. However, how much is this going to cost me? We all know that even the slightest hiccup in the oil world can have staggering effects on the prices that we pay at the pump.

I would guess that we will be feeling the effects of this one for the rest of the summer. The oil spill was small, but the shut-down and repairs should give the oil companies enough of an excuse to keep prices jacked up for months to least until the Labor Day price hike rolls around.

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